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CORE CORPORATION(2359) Stock price and margin ratio (JPX TSE) chart

CORE CORPORATION(2359) margin trading chart of JSF

CORE CORPORATION(2359) margin trading chart of JPX TSE

CORE CORPORATION(2359) Past data Stock price and margin trading (JSF ,JPX TSE)


Stock price

Outstanding Purchases(JSF)

Outstanding Sales(JSF)

Outstanding Purchases(JPX TSE)

Outstanding Sales(JPX TSE)

Open price

High price

Low Price

01/15 1828 0 0 - - 1837 1839 1828
01/14 1823 0 0 - - 1857 1865 1821
01/10 1857 0 0 49100 3400 1880 1880 1857
01/09 1868 0 0 - - 1894 1894 1867
01/08 1880 0 0 - - 1883 1891 1880
12/30 1880 0 0 - - 1888 1895 1880
12/27 1886 0 0 45600 2600 1875 1886 1864
12/26 1857 0 0 - - 1885 1885 1845
12/25 1885 0 0 - - 1884 1885 1840
12/24 1861 0 0 - - 1859 1861 1843
12/23 1849 0 0 - - 1836 1859 1836
12/19 1848 0 0 - - 1831 1848 1830
12/18 1840 0 0 - - 1852 1852 1832
12/17 1850 0 0 - - 1835 1850 1827
12/16 1843 0 0 - - 1838 1852 1838
12/13 1838 0 0 50300 1200 1820 1848 1820
12/12 1846 0 0 - - 1817 1846 1814
12/10 1797 0 0 - - 1809 1815 1797
12/09 1803 0 0 - - 1797 1840 1797
12/06 1798 0 0 50400 800 1811 1817 1798
12/04 1809 0 0 - - 1820 1832 1809
12/02 1813 0 0 - - 1801 1826 1801