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ESCON JAPAN REIT Investment Corporation(2971) Stock price and margin ratio (JPX TSE) chart

ESCON JAPAN REIT Investment Corporation(2971) margin trading chart of JSF

ESCON JAPAN REIT Investment Corporation(2971) margin trading chart of JPX TSE

ESCON JAPAN REIT Investment Corporation(2971) Past data Stock price and margin trading (JSF ,JPX TSE)


Stock price

Outstanding Purchases(JSF)

Outstanding Sales(JSF)

Outstanding Purchases(JPX TSE)

Outstanding Sales(JPX TSE)

Open price

High price

Low Price

09/20 122600 - - 0 0 121700 122700 121700
09/19 121700 101 178 0 0 121200 121900 121000
09/18 121000 131 173 0 0 120800 121200 119900
09/17 120500 116 164 0 0 118100 120500 118100
09/13 118000 127 155 0 0 119300 119300 116700
09/12 117300 134 159 0 0 117200 117700 116800
09/11 117100 133 152 0 0 117700 117700 116100
09/10 117700 136 156 0 0 116900 118100 116700
09/09 116000 147 147 0 0 115400 116900 115200
09/06 116300 147 147 0 0 117700 117700 116100
09/05 116900 147 147 0 0 118000 119400 116800
09/04 118400 143 154 0 0 118800 119400 118100
09/03 119000 142 159 0 0 119700 119700 119000
09/02 119900 138 164 0 0 121200 121500 119500
08/30 120100 128 173 0 0 121000 121100 120000
08/29 121300 130 182 0 0 121300 122000 120800
08/28 121700 140 171 0 0 121300 121800 120900
08/27 121300 132 156 0 0 120200 121300 119700
08/26 120200 139 149 0 0 119300 120300 119200
08/23 119500 143 148 0 0 118700 119900 118700
08/22 118700 142 144 0 0 118600 119300 117700
08/21 118600 142 142 0 0 118500 119700 118300
08/20 118500 138 138 0 0 118700 119000 118100
08/19 119100 163 139 0 0 118800 119200 117900
08/16 119700 171 147 0 0 118500 119700 118100
08/15 118200 144 144 0 0 119000 119000 117500
08/14 117500 144 144 0 0 117200 117500 115800
08/13 117100 142 142 0 0 114800 117700 114800
08/09 114700 143 139 0 0 115800 116500 114500
08/08 115600 136 128 0 0 115400 117200 115000
08/07 115000 133 133 0 0 113000 117800 113000
08/06 113100 146 146 0 0 111700 116100 111700
08/05 110600 145 145 0 0 113200 114600 110600
08/02 115700 127 106 0 0 115900 116700 115000
08/01 117000 109 102 0 0 117900 118500 116000