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The Chugoku Electric Power Company,Incorporated(9504) Stock price and margin ratio (JPX TSE) chart

Stock priceVolumeMargin Ratio(JSDA)Margin Ratio(JPX TSE)9504 The Chugoku Electric Power Company,Incorporated ( 202502~202503)

The Chugoku Electric Power Company,Incorporated(9504) margin trading chart of JSF

OUTSTANDING PURCHASES(JSF)OUTSTANDING SALES(JSF)9504 The Chugoku Electric Power Company,Incorporated ( 202502~202503)

The Chugoku Electric Power Company,Incorporated(9504) margin trading chart of JPX TSE

OUTSTANDING PURCHASES(JPX TSE)OUTSTANDING SALES(JPX TSE)9504 The Chugoku Electric Power Company,Incorporated ( 202502~202503)

The Chugoku Electric Power Company,Incorporated(9504) Past data Stock price and margin trading (JSF ,JPX TSE)


Stock price

Outstanding Purchases(JSF)

Outstanding Sales(JSF)

Outstanding Purchases(JPX TSE)

Outstanding Sales(JPX TSE)

Open price

High price

Low Price

03/14 914 0 0 - - 900 918 897
03/13 903 0 0 - - 897 905 890
03/12 897 0 0 - - 877 897 877
03/11 885 0 0 - - 902 905 876
03/10 897 0 0 - - 898 903 893
03/07 893 0 0 7563100 80600 868 894 862
03/06 866 0 0 - - 867 872 861
03/05 873 0 0 - - 857 880 857
03/04 866 0 0 - - 875 875 860
03/03 870 0 0 - - 861 873 860
02/28 856 0 0 7751000 73500 851 864 849
02/27 857 0 0 - - 844 858 840
02/26 850 0 0 - - 847 850 837
02/25 849 0 0 - - 836 849 826
02/21 833 0 0 7951600 62700 846 849 830
02/20 841 0 0 - - 843 845 834
02/19 840 0 0 - - 856 870 840
02/18 855 0 0 - - 850 855 842
02/17 848 0 0 - - 847 852 845
02/14 848 0 0 7788500 80600 854 859 843
02/13 854 0 0 - - 848 857 845
02/12 847 0 0 - - 863 863 842
02/10 865 0 0 - - 859 865 851
02/07 855 0 0 7635500 64700 867 868 852
02/06 864 0 0 - - 855 867 853
02/05 848 0 0 - - 849 852 837
02/04 850 0 0 - - 871 874 846
02/03 867 0 0 - - 876 883 853