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Kyushu Electric Power Company,Incorporated(9508) Stock price and margin ratio (JPX TSE) chart

Stock priceVolumeMargin Ratio(JSDA)Margin Ratio(JPX TSE)9508 Kyushu Electric Power Company,Incorporated ( 202502~202503)

Kyushu Electric Power Company,Incorporated(9508) margin trading chart of JSF

OUTSTANDING PURCHASES(JSF)OUTSTANDING SALES(JSF)9508 Kyushu Electric Power Company,Incorporated ( 202502~202503)

Kyushu Electric Power Company,Incorporated(9508) margin trading chart of JPX TSE

OUTSTANDING PURCHASES(JPX TSE)OUTSTANDING SALES(JPX TSE)9508 Kyushu Electric Power Company,Incorporated ( 202502~202503)

Kyushu Electric Power Company,Incorporated(9508) Past data Stock price and margin trading (JSF ,JPX TSE)


Stock price

Outstanding Purchases(JSF)

Outstanding Sales(JSF)

Outstanding Purchases(JPX TSE)

Outstanding Sales(JPX TSE)

Open price

High price

Low Price

03/14 1357 0 0 - - 1339 1365 1338
03/13 1345 0 0 - - 1335 1345 1326
03/12 1342 0 0 - - 1333 1358 1331
03/11 1340 0 0 - - 1340 1349 1303
03/10 1353 0 0 - - 1344 1356 1339
03/07 1343 0 0 2719600 151100 1315 1344 1313
03/06 1326 0 0 - - 1340 1348 1320
03/05 1340 0 0 - - 1346 1358 1323
03/04 1347 0 0 - - 1354 1364 1344
03/03 1357 0 0 - - 1339 1364 1337
02/28 1318 0 0 2772600 130500 1305 1333 1305
02/27 1307 0 0 - - 1305 1316 1295
02/26 1308 0 0 - - 1290 1310 1285
02/25 1289 0 0 - - 1262 1289 1258
02/21 1267 0 0 3052400 102400 1266 1290 1258
02/20 1270 0 0 - - 1275 1280 1264
02/19 1276 0 0 - - 1303 1314 1276
02/18 1303 0 0 - - 1297 1309 1284
02/17 1298 0 0 - - 1300 1319 1295
02/14 1295 0 0 2889600 98100 1302 1311 1292
02/13 1303 0 0 - - 1297 1307 1294
02/12 1297 0 0 - - 1307 1307 1288
02/10 1303 0 0 - - 1300 1307 1297
02/07 1296 0 0 2947500 113000 1310 1311 1293
02/06 1307 0 0 - - 1303 1315 1299
02/05 1291 0 0 - - 1279 1291 1264
02/04 1276 0 0 - - 1290 1291 1269
02/03 1288 0 0 - - 1335 1335 1284